Cabinet Bookcases
Browse our stock of antique cabinet bookcases for sale from our antique warehouse in Edinburgh, Scotland.
If you find an item of interest click product enquiry to send us a message, or call 0131 553 7286 for any additional information.
Showing 1–25 of 33 resultsSorted by latest
Early Victorian Mahogany Four Door Breakfront Cabinet Bookcase
£6,250 -
Outstanding Quality Edwardian Sheraton-Style Inlaid Mahogany Cabinet Bookcase, Possibly Maple And Co
£2,390 -
Early 19th Century Dutch Marquetry Inlaid Mahogany Bookcase on Chest
£2,750 -
Victorian Breakfront Bookcase
£4,750 -
Stylish George II Style Figured Walnut Three-Door Bookcase on Stand
£1,375 -
Quality 5-Door Victorian Mahogany Cabinet Bookcase
£6,900 -
4 Door Profusely Carved Mahogany Bookcase
£11,500 -
Ormolu Mounted Kingwood Cabinet
£4,350 -
Decorative George III Style Inlaid Mahogany Cabinet Bookcase
£2,400 -
Georgian Style Cabinet Bookcase
£1,750 -
George III Style Eight Door Breakfront Cabinet Bookcase
£12,500 -
Exhibition Quality 3 Door Mahogany Bookcase
£8,750 -
Victorian 2 Door Cabinet Bookcase
£1,250 -
Mid-19th Century French Figured Walnut Marble Topped Bookcase/Cabinet
£2,450 -
Georgian-Style Figured Walnut Cabinet Bookcase/Display Cabinet on Stand
£1,975 -
Cylinder Top Cabinet Bookcase
£2,500 -
Carved Oak Cabinet Bookcase
£4,250 -
Inlaid Burr Walnut Bookcase on Stand
£1,500 -
George IV Secretaire Cabinet Bookcase
£2,750 -
Sheraton Style Cylinder Cabinet Bookcase
£1,650 -
Antique George IV Mahogany 2 Door Cabinet Bookcase
£4,500 -
Antique George IV Mahogany Breakfront Library Bookcase
£9,750 -
Antique Late George IV Mahogany Cabinet Bookcase
£2,750 -
Art Nouveau Mahogany Cabinet Bookcase
£1,250 -
Scottish Pitch Pine Cabinet Bookcase