Category: Features

New Whytock & Reid Stock!

Browse our fantastic range of pieces by the iconic Edinburgh furniture maker. As you might know, we have great admiration for Whytock & Reid furniture due to the quality of the cabinetmaking, the finest woods, and the designs of Sir Robert Lorimer. So much so, that in 2022 we bought the name to promote and …

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Featured Stock: Antique Music Stands

This week we want to show you another collection of unique antiques – that being our music stands. Music stands are fantastically functional pieces, designed to hold sheets of music upright and in position for ease of reading while playing. Because users will be moving between seating and standing positions while practicing or performing, most …

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Featured Stock: Antique Card Tables

Browse and learn more about our quality card tables. The weather is getting colder and we are spending more time indoors, so we have just the antiques for you. Perhaps you are looking to spend a little less time in front of the television or scrolling the socials, and are looking for something a touch more wholesome for your evening entertainment. Well, ditch the screens and pick up a pack of cards! We have a superb stock of quality card tables exuding both function and style (just please don’t flip them over if you lose!).

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Antique Dining Room Furniture: A Short History

A group or family dining experience was an important feature in the wealthiest homes of Georgian Britain, with contemporary sources describing many hours spent around the dining table, and the importance of presentation in both the food and the fixtures! The dining room was an elegant and well fitted room in the Georgian period and …

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Empire Revival Antiques: A Short History

What Is The Empire Style? The Empire Style (1800-1815) originated in the French court of Napoleon I. This opulent style often used a combination of Neoclassical ornamentation and symbols with Napoleonic motifs, and greatly influenced the furniture, arts, and textiles of the day. It is often considered the second stage of the Neoclassical movement. As …

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Antique Stools: A Short History

Antique stools may seem a common feature in homes today, but their history goes a lot further back than you may think! A stool is simply defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as a seat without a back or arms, raised from the ground on a series of legs. With ancient origins dating back to …

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Antique Canterburies: A Short History

What is a canterbury? The canterbury is an 18th century piece of furniture of British design, however its exact origins are a little unclear. There were two forms of ‘canterbury’ made at that time and both were associated with the Archbishop of Canterbury (they may have been designed for him). A ‘canterbury’ can refer to …

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Antique Games Tables: A Short History

Antique games and card tables are some of the most diversely styled tables. Often their designs draw from the most favoured styles of that period – and we have several in stock which show this variety. Earlier examples like this Georgianmahogany triple-top games tablefrom circa 1760, have a simple solid mahogany top with curved edges, …

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