Featured Stock: Pretty Pairs of Antique Lamps
Browse our stock of lovely lighting to brighten your home.
We hope you are all well. We are glad to be bringing to you another ‘featured stock’ post. As you may know we store such a vast amount of antiques, so it is always good to focus on different categories from time to time. Lately, we have been busy getting many of our lamps rewired – so what better to share than all of the pretty pairs we have in the warehouse at the moment. To get straight to browsing, just scroll below to view our selection.
It is safe to say we have a rather eclectic mix of styles available. There are a range of brass and bronze lamps to choose from, as well as other well crafted materials like carved, painted, and gilded wood, carved hardstone, and delicately painted ceramics. A lot of these have been converted from pieces such as oil lamps, vases, urns, and candlesticks. We hope you find something that can complement your own style.
We should note that a few of the lamps are still to be rewired (but this is no problem for us to do), though the vast majority are complete and good to go. Enjoy viewing and we hope you find something of interest. Just click the images to view the full listings here on our site. If anything catches your eye please get in touch, we will be glad to assist!
Kind Regards,
Georgian Antiques